The South Dakota Bar Foundation is the charitable arm of the South Dakota legal community.

The mission of the Foundation is to provide funding towards advancing justice, civil legal aid, improving public education about the law to encourage public service and professionalism.


“It is the duty of an attorney and counselor at law never to reject for any consideration personal to himself, the cause of the defenseless or the oppressed.”

Section 16-18-17
South Dakota Codified Laws

South Dakota Bar Foundation
Board of Directors

Steven K. Huff, Yankton, President

William C. Garry, Sioux Falls, Vice President

Heather Lammers Bogard, Spearfish

Renee H. Christensen, Sioux Falls

Thomas H. Frieberg, Beresford

Patrick G. Goetzinger, Rapid City

Stephanie Judson, Pierre

Lisa K. Marso, Sioux Falls

Kimberley A. Mortenson, Ft. Pierre

Pamela R. Reiter, Sioux Falls

Anthony Sutton,
Sioux Falls

Paul L. Cremer, Secretary Treasurer, Pierre